Mike's Agenda
Since the first days of his campaign for Congress, Mike has focused on increasing transparency and accountability at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) and getting the waste off our beach as quickly and safely as possible. Once in Congress, Mike formed a bipartisan Congressional Caucus to deal with the problem of radioactive nuclear waste across the country and has made cleaning up San Onofre a top federal priority.
Mike also created a SONGS Task Force of experts and community leaders to study the problem and recommend solutions. He introduced the bipartisan Spent Nuclear Fuel Prioritization Act to prioritize moving nuclear waste out of highly-populated, environmentally sensitive areas like San Onofre.
Mike secured $93 million for the Department of Energy to find a new location for our nation’s spent nuclear fuel and passed legislation to spur innovation and research in the storage, transportation, and disposal of spent nuclear fuel. Mike has received national attention for his work addressing our nation’s spent nuclear fuel crisis and has been credited with bringing renewed attention to this issue.
Mike believes that federal efforts designed to promote further nuclear energy development should also consider the technology’s full life span, including its long-term impact and environmental risks. Anything short of addressing the spent fuel problem is irresponsible and could result in a future, preventable crisis.