Mike's Agenda
Mike Levin has made addressing the epidemic of gun violence a top priority in Congress. One of the first caucuses he joined as a Member of Congress was the Gun Violence Prevention Task Force, and one of the first bills he signed onto was the Bipartisan Background Checks Act to require universal background checks on all gun sales and transfers, with narrow exceptions for gifts to family members and temporary transfers for hunting.
Mike is a strong proponent of legislation to address the epidemic of gun violence in our country. He is proud to be endorsed by Moms Demand Action, Everytown for Gun Safety, Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, and other advocates for gun safety.
After the tragic mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas, Mike helped pass the landmark Bipartisan Safer Communities Act to expand background checks, fund community-based intervention programs, and encourage states to adopt red-flag laws. These programs will make us safer, and Mike was proud to vote for them.
But Mike knows that we have more work to do to reduce gun violence and keep our communities safe. He worked across the aisle to introduce the Prevent Family Fire Act, which would encourage safe firearm storage and prevent accidental injuries or deaths by implementing a modest tax credit for storage devices like gun safes.
Mike has also worked to institute an assault weapons ban and expand Brady background checks to all gun sales, including those made over the Internet and at gun shows. He cosponsored the Assault Weapons Ban, the Extreme Risk Protection Order Act, and Jaime’s Law.
He also helped secure $25 million in appropriations legislation for federal research at the Center for Disease Control and National Institutes of Health into the nation’s gun violence epidemic to help us understand and solve this critical issue.
Mike will not give up until we have ended this epidemic of gun violence and made sure that all of our communities are safe.